child safety


The Story Island Project supports the safe and active participation of children and young people in our programs and activities. We listen to young people’s views, respect what they say, and involve them when we make decisions, especially about matters that directly affect them.

Story Island makes the following specific commitments to help ensure the safety of children and young people during their involvement with us:

  • The Story Island Project maintains a rigorous and consistent staff and volunteer screening and selection process. All staff, volunteers, board members and contractors must hold and maintain current registration under the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013 (Tas). In addition, they are all annually required to complete the Department for Education, Training and Young People’s Safeguarding Training.

  • At all levels of the organisation, Story Island’s policies, procedures, and practices are compliant with the Universal Principle and Child and Youth Safe Standards contained in the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 (Tas).

  • All staff, volunteers, board members, and contractors receive copies of Story Island’s Child-safe Child-friendly Policy, Code of Conduct and Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and associated procedure documents. These policies and procedures are discussed with every new staff member, volunteer, board member and contractor prior to their commencement to ensure they are fully understood.

  • All staff, volunteers, board members, and contractors must sign agreements showing that they have received, read and understood The Story Island Project’s policies and procedures and that they agree to comply with them.

  • All staff, volunteers, board members, and contractors at the Story Island Project must engage in mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect through the Child Safety Advice and Referral Line (1800 000 123). Story Island provides resources to assist staff, volunteers, board members, and contractors to understand these responsibilities.

  • Volunteers are always supervised by Story Island staff when interacting with children and young people in their role as a Story Island volunteer.

  • We promote respect, fairness and consideration for all staff, volunteers, board members and contractors. We will not tolerate bullying in any form or at any level.