giving children a voice

 We’d like to introduce you to Bonni.

No one can tell you more about the difference that Story Island makes to young people’s lives than our Story Leader, Bonni.

Every Tuesday morning, Bonni and our team of Story Island volunteers visit local schools where they help young people to find the words that allow them to tell their own stories.

 So how and why is it, that storytelling makes such a big difference? Bonni says it gives kids the time and space to explore their own creativity.

My favourite thing is watching kids get excited about their own ideas. Across a school term, I see kids go from thinking they’re not good at anything, that their ideas aren’t special, that they can’t write, to having a story that they created printed in a book.
I love watching their faces, seeing how proud of themselves they are. It’s incredible watching kids go through that process of realisation of, ‘Wow! I’m actually really creative and I’m really talented and I’ve got something to say.

We know our kids have something to say. Will you give them the opportunity to realise it?