our story

The Story Island Project is a Nipaluna/Hobart-based not-for-profit organisation that nurtures the creativity and writing skills of young Tasmanians and celebrates their diverse voices.

With the support of our enthusiastic volunteer mentors, Story Island runs free, dynamic storytelling workshops where young people are empowered to create their own stories. We focus on working with young people living in communities vulnerable to experiencing poverty, disadvantage and marginalisation. 

Our vision is for young people to harness the power of their imaginations so they can grow to be resilient and creative shapers of their own lives.

As an organisation we hold the values of compassion, optimism, fairness, creativity and humour, and we weave them into the work we do.

Lutruwita/Tasmania has many strengths but there are big barriers to overcome: nearly half of our adults do not have the basic skills to understand and use information from newspapers, magazines, books and brochures. lutruwita/Tasmania has the lowest levels of educational retention, completion and attainment in the country. And every morning, too many Tasmanian children wake up to a life of poverty.

We want to change this picture so that young Tasmanians have the creative confidence and writing skills to participate in a good life.

We do this by offering free workshops where young people get individualised support from our expert story leaders and volunteer mentors.

We are inspired by the great work begun in San Francisco by author Dave Eggers who co-founded the 826 Valencia creative writing centre for youth, and by the numerous versions of this throughout the world, including in Australia with 100 Story Building in Melbourne and Story Factory across New South Wales.

The Story Island Project (Tasmania) is a not-for-profit association incorporated in Tasmania.

Story Island is the proud winner of the following awards:
Winner – Community Group of the Year, 2018 Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards
Winner – Volunteer Group/Program of the Year, 2022 Tasmanian Volunteering Awards
Story Island was recognised for its great community work at the 2024 Clarence Plains Community Awards

Our Official Story (strategic plan, annual reports and constitution)

Chapter Eight: Strategic Plan 2024–27
Chapter Seven: 2023 Annual Report
Chapter Six: 2022 Annual Report
Chapter Five: 2021 Annual Report
Chapter Four: 2020 Annual Report
Chapter Three: 2018–19 Annual Report
Chapter Two: 2017–18 Annual Report
Chapter One: 2016–17 Annual Report

Our policies
Child-Safe, Child-Friendly Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Staff Grievance Policy
Volunteer Grievance Policy
Work Health and Safety Policy
Code of Conduct

The Story Island Project (Tasmania) Incorporated
(ABN 81 478 918 677) is:
– registered in Tasmania as an Incorporated Association (IA11920)
– registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission
– registered with the Australian Tax Office as a public benevolent institution with DGR1 tax status.
All donations to Story Island of $2 or more are tax deductible.